Being Grateful

By Rita Ricks

Being Grateful Being Grateful is the most positive and enlightening feeling I believe one can ever experience. To be grateful is to feel alive, present, authentic, at peace, joyful, satisfied, less stressed, not in charge, safe in God’s arms, prepared, equipped, empowered, in order, and victorious. Being Grateful is about looking around your environment and realizing how truly Blessed you are…….despite the challenges you face. You are breathing, therefore, you still have unused gifts inside of you that were created for you to share. Being Grateful is realizing that you have the capacity to help others BE GRATEFUL. Think about the words I used to describe Being Grateful. Do any of these words describe you in any part of your day? Choose any two of those words, and keep them in front of you today. When you ask people how they are, do they ever say…I’m Grateful? Most people respond with complaints. They use words like “struggling,” or “holding on,” or “could be better.” Those are all victim phrases. They speak as though there is no hope, no way that life can be better, and that kind of thinking is unacceptable. Life is already better because today is a new day, and it’s an opportunity to learn from yesterday and make things right. You must believe it in order to achieve it. You cannot allow your negative situations to define you. Look beyond them and remind yourself often of JEREMIAH 29:11 – God knows the plans He has for you, and they are for good and not for evil. You just have to follow the plan. What does it take to create a constant state of BEING GRATEFUL? It takes a lot less effort than living in a constant state of chaos where you’re never satisfied. Being Grateful is about recognizing your blessings and truly knowing you are blessed rather than just saying it because that phrase is the flavor of the month. You can create a constant state of Being Grateful in your life. You know the feeling of gratitude when someone does something nice for you, and you say thank you? Gratitude is just as it sounds: gratefulness. It is a particularly great feeling that we can all feel when honored or appreciated. That human emotion can be harnessed to change your life, forever! The benefits are so great that it can actually make you healthier! We already know how good it feels to do something for someone else, but why don’t we use it more often as a tool to make ourselves happy? What actions must you take in order to create your constant state of Being Grateful? Keep a Gratitude journal with you at all times so that you can record the blessings that are all around you. Keep your spiritual eyes and ears open so that you can see beyond the human experiences and circumstances and begin to see and understand how God is moving in your life. This is why silence is such a critical part of your everyday activity. You have to become conscious of what’s happening around you – the opportunities which are right in front of you, the path that God has you on, are all for your own good. Sending out words and feelings of Being Grateful will be returned to you. I don’t know the author, but this is the perfect ending for my blog on Being Grateful… “It’s not happiness that brings us gratitude. It’s gratitude that brings us happiness.” I am Rita…speaking to your Spirit Save the Date The 4 Ps To Help You PERSEVERE Are you ready to go down a different path? Join me virtually, at 7:00 EST on May 3rd, to celebrate you and your PERSEVERANCE. There is no cost to this workshop. I believe as we move to midway 2023, it’s ok to alter our course. Join me! Learn More! OUR Services Transformation Tribe Transformation Tribe – the only online community designed specifically for women, offering a safe and inspiring space to share your goals, experiences, and journeys. Learn More!


By Rita Ricks

FINDING YOUR PURPOSE What is your unique purpose? How do you determine your purpose? Is it possible to fulfill your purpose? I always want you to take away something from reading my blogs. This particular topic has five steps. It’s going to take you a while to get through it. It’s going to challenge you like no other blog I’ve written. But you have to complete the assignments. Take as much time as you need with each step, and think through the question before responding. Read till the end because I have an offer for you. STEP ONE: Ask yourself, what is it you really want to do tomorrow, and the next day, and the next?   What would you enjoy spending your days doing?  What would bring you joy and peace and allow you to feel fulfilled and purposeful? Hold tight to these three questions and speak to them every day. Ponder these questions in your silence. Allow the thoughts and ideas to flow thru your head. Don’t stop to judge or critique, just allow them to flow. If you get off course, re-focus on any or all three questions. Record in your journal, what you experience while in the silence. STEP TWO: What thoughts and/or ideas have been in your head for years?  Which ones are pulling on you? Which ones make you smile? Is it really what you want to do?  Do you feel led to spend your days manifesting that idea to fruition? Do you think this is the purpose you were sent here to fulfill? Do NOT, spend time, right now, on HOW you will make this happen. Right now, take your time to sift through the ideas/thoughts. Picture yourself doing exactly what it is you think you want to do. How does it feel? STEP THREE: You may be wondering, “WHY – is it so critical that I fulfill my purpose?” And my answer to you is that Your Creator brought you from Eternity and placed you in this time and space for you to do your part to grow His Kingdom. Each day you spend not fulfilling your purpose is another day the World is without all that you have to offer.  Let me Be very clear, you are fully equipped TODAY – to fulfill your assignment. Because Where God guides, He provides. I want you to Ponder the effect your purpose has on the planet. Your purpose is not about you – it’s about how it will benefit the rest of us. STEP FOUR: HOW do you manifest your purpose?  The first step is to Create a plan. The second step is to follow the plan.  The plan begins with completing the following two sentences: Sentence 1 – My purpose is_______________ Sentence 2 – I’m living my purpose when______________  Rewrite your answers until they feel good! STEP FIVE: Your purpose is your assignment, it is your journey. No one else can do this but you. Continue to remind yourself why you must do this as well as the value you will bring to yourself and to the planet. Celebrate every accomplishment and enjoy the ride. This is what Living life is all about…it’s about loving what you do.           It’s your purpose and ONLY you can fulfill it. JOIN ME, FOR A FREE WEBINAR entitled, THE 4 PS OF PERSEVERANCE!! The PURPOSE nourishes the PLAN THE PLAN nourishes the PASSION THE PROMISE is a manifestation of THE PURPOSE I am Rita…speaking to your Spirit Save the Date THE 4 PS OF PERSEVERANCE Join me virtually, at 7:00 EST on May 3rd, to celebrate you and your PERSEVERANCE. There is no cost to this workshop. I believe as we move to midway 2023, it’s ok to alter our course. Learn More!

Being Present

By Rita Ricks

Being Present Being Present is about NOW – THIS MOMENT in time – Right This MOMENT!! In fact, NOW is all you have…NOW it’s gone… Studies show you lose 60% of your daily precious gift of time by focusing on what happened in the past – either to you or because of you – AND YET, you cannot change your past. These same studies show that you lose 25% of your daily precious gift of time by arranging and living your life based on what the future might bring…AND YET, you cannot see the future. So that leaves only 15% of your daily precious gift of time to make a difference… in this space…in this moment. Take about 5 minutes envisioning your average day. Where do you focus most of your thoughts?… Thinking about the past? Thinking about the future? Or thinking about right now? Beginning today, when your mind starts to wander, gracefully bring yourself back to the PRESENT and see what you can gain and how you can grow from whatever you’re doing in that moment. You are NOT in control. Your Creator chose you from eternity and placed you in THIS moment for His purpose. He knows exactly what your purpose is and how He wants you to use it to benefit mankind. But if you’re all over the map, being busy -ALL the time – when are you able to hear directions about what and where you’re supposed to be? We are human Beings, not human doings, and to truly know what to do, you must first BE silent. When you choose to align your spirit with God’s purpose for your day, you are following HIS will, rather than your own. Consider scheduling 20 minutes of daily LISTENING time. Completely shut down. The solution is in the Silence. Staying in the NOW is something you must consistently be conscious of. Actually, I encourage you to become more conscious of and responsible for your thoughts and words because THEY create your reality. You are where you are right now based on how you think, what you say, and the choices you make. Your Creator knows what is best for you but gives you free reign in which to choose. Trust me, in any given moment, you experience subtle signs, God winks, and aha moments which clearly give you direction. But if you are spending this moment reliving yesterday or planning tomorrow -you missed it – AGAIN! Expect and celebrate those subtle signs that flow in and out of your day. Write them down as a reminder. When you arrive at the point where you live the majority of your time Being Present – in the moment – you experience an unbelievable freedom. You are truly aware of what is happening right NOW. You and your Creator are connected. He is guiding you, and all you have to do is follow. You will see that the sky looks bluer, you enjoy the EXPERIENCE of a good meal – the words to an old song bring new meaning into your life, you meet new people who belong in your life, you feel peace and joy in your heart, you stop worrying, and you start living. You only have THIS moment, RIGHT NOW! The more time you spend in the present, the more grateful you are for having that moment. There are so many gifts inside of you, that you have yet to use. It is such a Blessing to cut the chains of perceived control. It is such a Blessing when your day begins with expectation and excitement of the possibilities and opportunities. It is such a Blessing to feel joy throughout your day. I’m excited about all you’re about to experience. When you live in the present, time never ends. I am Rita…speaking to your Spirit Save the Date LITTLE BLACK DRESS DAY AFFAIR We want to gift you Early Bird Tickets for LITTLE BLCK DRESS DAY AFFAIR 2023 at last year’s price of $75.00. The regular price is $99.00 REGISTER TODAY! Learn More! Save the Date Republic of Ghana 2023 Rita Ricks is going INTERNATIONAL and we want you to come along! Register today for our information meeting on February 28th at 7 pm EST via Zoom. Learn More! OUR Services Transformation Tribe Transformation Tribe – the only online community designed specifically for women, offering a safe and inspiring space to share your goals, experiences, and journeys. Learn More!


By Rita Ricks

THOUGHTS BRING THINGS Welcome to this New Year!!! Welcome to another chance to get what you want. Welcome to the opportunity to change your perspective and therefore change your reality. Welcome to hearing, once again, from me that you create your reality based on what you think and what you say. I intend to talk more this year about the LAW OF ATTRACTION and how to get more of what you want. How to release the feeling of lack and adopt a feeling of being surrounded by abundance…in your mind, body, and spirit. I’m excited about this intention because I’ll be creating my life as you’ll be creating yours. On October 29th, 2022, I casually said to my daughter that I should begin looking for a house to buy. She left a message for her realtor that night. I came home and journaled a Dear God letter, describing what I wanted. On October 30th, my daughter and I looked at several neighborhoods, and went into a couple of models, nothing grabbed me, so we called it a day. I wasn’t discouraged. As a matter of fact, I truly believed we would find a new home for me. That evening, she called to say her realtor had sent her a recommendation for a condo less than 10 minutes away from where I was currently living. We drove over, and I liked how the development looked from the outside, but the agent had gone for the day. That night I googled the development and began imagining my living there. On Oct. 31st, the realtor made arrangements for me to see the model, and it was literally what I described in my Dear God letter. I closed on November 5th, 2022. Thoughts bring Things. Focus on the Good Thoughts. You must ask for what you want and believe that it will manifest. Thoughts produce things. And when those thoughts bring you joy and peace, you must act on them. You must believe it will happen, even though you can’t see the How yet. You must imagine what it will feel like once the thought manifests and hold tight to that feeling. How you feel is an indicator of what comes next. Feeling good about the thought will bring more good. Doubting the thought will bring more doubt. If you feel it won’t happen, it won’t. But you can reverse that thinking by listening to your thoughts and acting on those that make you smile. The theme for Rita Ricks LLC this year is PERSEVERE. I will PERSEVERE this year in my quest to manifest more abundance in my mind, body, and spirit. I’d love for you to join me on this journey. Email me – [email protected] – so we can continue the conversation. Share this blog with others and bring them into the conversation. 2023 totals the number 7, which is a positive sign. There is so much good waiting for you, in this year if you just open your heart space to believe it in order to receive it. Many of you have told me how you want to get away, how you want to attend a beach retreat, and how you want me to let you know the next time. So…The BURN VISION Beach Retreat is January 20, 21, and 22. Remember, you must act on what you feel will bring you joy and peace. Register today to begin transforming your life. BURN/VISION BEACH RETREAT 2023 My prayer for you at the beginning of this year is that you hold tight to the concept that you matter. You are on this planet for a reason. Identifying your purpose is critical, and you already know what it is. You must face your fear and do it anyway because peace and joy are on the other side. Please stay in touch with me. I am Rita…speaking to your Spirit Save the Date Our BURN VISION Retreat is where you want to be. Throughout the weekend, we will guide you, support you, life you listen to you and speak to your spirit. REGISTER TODAY! Learn More!

The 4 Ps of Success!

By Rita Ricks

The 4 Ps of Success! Moving into the New Year always makes me feel grateful and hopeful. Grateful because I’ve lived thru another year and my family and I are healthy. Hopeful because I expect this coming year to be even better than ever and I typically get what I expect. I know some of you have experienced challenges and loss in this past year and I respect and honor your feelings. I encourage you to look to the future with a passion to live your best life. Please remember, you create your reality by what you think and what you say. In other words, you have the power within you to make the necessary changes to bring you joy. “Every year you make a resolution to change yourself. This year, make a resolution to BE yourself.” – Author unknown What I know for sure is this… Purpose creates the PlanPlan creates the PassionPassion creates the Promise “No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again.” – Buddah Stop resisting your opportunities. Stop thinking you’re all alone. Stop thinking you can’t. The minute you start believing you CAN, your entire life changes…Really. You can do this!!! Then why don’t you? Here’s the Problem… No matter how hard you may want to behave differently and incorporate new behaviors into your life, it is very difficult to stay focused and intentional in order to maintain momentum. Here’s the Mistake… You feel invincible in the New year, with new energy, and think you’re capable of doing anything you want…but that feeling, if you’re lucky, maybe lasts till March 🙂 Here’s the Solution… Join me for “The 4 Ps of Perseverance – Purpose, Plan, Passion, Promise” a free zoom webinar I’m offering on January 4th at 7:00pm. Since PERSEVERE is our Theme for 2023, I want to show you how to organize your thoughts and prioritize for all of 2023. Register below and then show up Jan 4th at 7:00. Those 4 Ps are intricately connected and will bring order into your life. Let me show you. See you on January 4th, 2023!! I am Rita…speaking to your Spirit Save the Date Our BURN VISION Retreat is where you want to be. Throughout the weekend, we will guide you, support you, life you listen to you and speak to your spirit. REGISTER TODAY! Learn More!