Being Present
Being Present is about NOW – THIS MOMENT in time – Right This MOMENT!! In fact, NOW is all you have…NOW it’s gone…
Studies show you lose 60% of your daily precious gift of time by focusing on what happened in the past – either to you or because of you – AND YET, you cannot change your past. These same studies show that you lose 25% of your daily precious gift of time by arranging and living your life based on what the future might bring…AND YET, you cannot see the future. So that leaves only 15% of your daily precious gift of time to make a difference… in this space…in this moment.
Take about 5 minutes envisioning your average day. Where do you focus most of your thoughts?… Thinking about the past? Thinking about the future? Or thinking about right now? Beginning today, when your mind starts to wander, gracefully bring yourself back to the PRESENT and see what you can gain and how you can grow from whatever you’re doing in that moment.
You are NOT in control. Your Creator chose you from eternity and placed you in THIS moment for His purpose. He knows exactly what your purpose is and how He wants you to use it to benefit mankind. But if you’re all over the map, being busy -ALL the time – when are you able to hear directions about what and where you’re supposed to be? We are human Beings, not human doings, and to truly know what to do, you must first BE silent. When you choose to align your spirit with God’s purpose for your day, you are following HIS will, rather than your own. Consider scheduling 20 minutes of daily LISTENING time. Completely shut down. The solution is in the Silence.
Staying in the NOW is something you must consistently be conscious of. Actually, I encourage you to become more conscious of and responsible for your thoughts and words because THEY create your reality. You are where you are right now based on how you think, what you say, and the choices you make. Your Creator knows what is best for you but gives you free reign in which to choose. Trust me, in any given moment, you experience subtle signs, God winks, and aha moments which clearly give you direction. But if you are spending this moment reliving yesterday or planning tomorrow -you missed it – AGAIN!
Expect and celebrate those subtle signs that flow in and out of your day. Write them down as a reminder.
When you arrive at the point where you live the majority of your time Being Present – in the moment – you experience an unbelievable freedom. You are truly aware of what is happening right NOW. You and your Creator are connected. He is guiding you, and all you have to do is follow. You will see that the sky looks bluer, you enjoy the EXPERIENCE of a good meal – the words to an old song bring new meaning into your life, you meet new people who belong in your life, you feel peace and joy in your heart, you stop worrying, and you start living. You only have THIS moment, RIGHT NOW!
The more time you spend in the present, the more grateful you are for having that moment. There are so many gifts inside of you, that you have yet to use. It is such a Blessing to cut the chains of perceived control. It is such a Blessing when your day begins with expectation and excitement of the possibilities and opportunities. It is such a Blessing to feel joy throughout your day.
I’m excited about all you’re about to experience. When you live in the present, time never ends.
I am Rita…speaking to your Spirit
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The regular price is $99.00
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Republic of Ghana 2023
Rita Ricks is going INTERNATIONAL and we want you to come along!
Register today for our information meeting on February 28th at 7 pm EST via Zoom.
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