Dive into Coaching: Don’t Be a Ship Lost at Sea!

By Angela Lightfoot

Dive into Coaching: Don’t Be a Ship Lost at Sea! We have all heard the statement that life is like a rollercoaster, but sometimes it feels more like being stuck on the “It’s a Small World” ride – cute (if you like that sort of thing), but definitely repetitive and super predictable. If you’re starting to suspect that your life’s playlist has become an endless loop, fear not! Getting a coach isn’t about waving the white flag; it’s like hiring a lifeguard to rescue you from the sea of monotony. In this blog, we’re about to take a humorous dive into recognizing the signs that scream, “Get a coach already!” And guess what? I just might be the lifeguard your life needs. Stuck on the same playlist?: Have you ever found yourself trapped in a repetitive cycle, unable to break free? It’s like playing the same playlist all of the time, every day. No variation, no new songs and you can predict the next song in cue. Whether it’s a career plateau, relationship struggles, or personal development challenges, feeling stuck is a clear indicator that you could use some outside perspective. A coach can help you identify patterns, set new goals, and provide actionable strategies to propel you forward. Lost in Translation (of Your Life Goals): Ever tried using Google Maps in a foreign country? Life can feel like that sometimes, with your dreams and ambitions lost in translation. A coach is like your personal language tutor, helping you decipher your goals and navigate toward them with a confident swagger. With their guidance, you can gain a clearer understanding of your path and confidently make choices aligned with your vision. Juggling More Balls Than a Circus Clown: If your multitasking skills have reached the level of a circus clown juggling flaming torches, it’s okay to admit you need a hand. A coach can teach you the art of juggling responsibilities without setting your life ablaze. A Coach will also help you prioritize what is important, so you are able to focus and not have so many things in the air. Growing Pains and Pangs: You know you’re ready for a coach when personal growth starts feeling like the grown-up version of those pesky growing pains from your teenage years. Consider a coach your growth spurt guide – helping you stretch, learn, and avoid any awkward gangly phases. Even the most accomplished individuals strive for continuous personal growth. If you’re eager to expand your horizons, enhance your skills, or discover untapped potential, a coach can be your personal guide on this transformative journey. Transition Tangles: Life transitions are like attempting to parallel park a cruise ship – awkward and overwhelming. Whether it’s changing careers, relocating, or adjusting to a new phase. These moments can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. A coach can help you navigate these transitions smoothly, providing emotional support, practical advice, and strategies to manage challenges that arise. In the grand ocean of life, seeking the assistance of a coach is not a sign of surrender but an empowering choice to take charge of your destiny. Just as a lifeguard ensures safety in turbulent waters, a coach guides you through the twists and turns of life, enabling you to overcome obstacles and reach new heights. Recognizing the signs that indicate you need a coach is the first step towards embracing positive change and seizing the reins of your life with renewed vigor. So, why navigate the currents alone when you can have a skilled lifeguard by your side? And there you have it, a gentle glimpse into the world of coaching and how it can transform your everyday existence into a grand adventure. But wait, before you start mapping out your new life itinerary, why not take the first step? Angela Lightfoot and Rita Ricks, our dynamic duo of lifeguard-coaches, are standing by with their flotation devices of wisdom, humor, and insight. They’re ready to dive into a discovery call with you, unraveling your dreams, goals, and challenges, all while ensuring that this collaboration is a match made in life-guardian heaven. Don’t let hesitation sink your chances at a more fulfilling life. Reach out to Angela or Rita today and let the discovery call be your compass guiding you toward the exciting shores of transformation. Trust me, you won’t regret it!

From September to Success: Three Must-Do Tasks to Achieve by Year-end

By Rita Ricks

From September to Success: Three Must-Do Tasks to Achieve by Year-end Are you ready to make the most of the remaining months of this year and end it on a high note? As September rolls in, it’s time to dive into action with three essential tasks that will propel you towards unprecedented success. Whether you’re striving for personal or professional growth, I’ve got your back! In this blog post, I’m unveiling three secrets to maximizing productivity, setting achievable goals, and fostering a winning mindset that will take you from September straight to success by December. So, grab a cup of motivation and keep reading. 3 Strategies to Ensure Success in Achieving Your Set Tasks The first step to success is setting goals and I know already that some of you are hyperventilating over that G word. But here’s the deal…You need to know what you want to achieve so you can work towards it. Without goals, you won’t know where to put your energy nor will you be able to measure your progress. Just don’t bite off more than you can chew by setting unrealistic goals. Not only will this make it harder for you to achieve your targets, it could also lead to disappointment and discouragement. Break your goals down into manageable chunks that you know you can reasonably achieve. The second step is to make a plan. Once you identify your goals, you need to figure out how you’re going to achieve them. This means creating a roadmap that outlines the necessary ACTION steps you need to take and the deadlines to aim for. Deadlines are a critical step , because without dates, you may never finish. This roadmap will keep you on track and focused on what needs to be done. Without a plan, it’s all too easy to get sidetracked or give up altogether. The third step is to TAKE ACTION. Once you have your goals and your plan, it’s time to put them into motion. This means taking consistent and determined steps towards your goal, no matter how small they may seem. Each step is an accomplishment and will help you stay motivated and accountable. Achieving any goal requires you being in the right mindset to maintain discipline. Contact me…I’ll show you how. Acknowledge Your Progress As you begin to feel more comfortable in this new rhythm, you can start to think about how to celebrate your successes! Whether you’ve been working hard all year to achieve specific goals or simply want to reward yourself for completing a series of tasks, now is the time to do it. Here are a few suggestions. Acknowledge your accomplishments by writing yourself a positive message on your mirror in lipstick, dry-erase marker, or even just pen and paper. Seeing your success written out will help keep you motivated throughout the rest of the year. Take yourself out on a date – Celebrate your successes by treating yourself to a special outing, whether it’s lunch at a favorite restaurant, tickets to a show or game or just hanging out with good friends. Whatever makes you feel good, do it! Reward yourself with something special – Buy yourself that item you’ve been wanting, take a long weekend vacation, or splurge with a massage. You deserve it! By acknowledging and rewarding your accomplishments, no matter how big or small, you’ll stay motivated and focused as you work towards your goals. So don’t wait until New Year’s Eve to start celebrating – start today! Achieving success is not easy, but it is achievable when you have the right plan of action. I hope this blog has shown you that by taking on small steps such as planning your tasks and setting realistic goals at the start of September, you WILL achieve your end-of-year dreams. Choose to close out 2023 with a bang. Be strategic in writing your plan, and put in the hard work to make this year one where you can truly say… I DID IT!!!! Stay in touch with me. What did you read that resonates? What is your hesitation in taking the first step? What can I do to make it easier? How are you celebrating your first accomplishment? I am Rita…speaking to your Spirit