By Rita Ricks

BEING UNCOMFORTABLE IS THE NEW SELF CARE PRODUCT! In a world that glorifies comfort and convenience, it may come as a surprise to hear that being uncomfortable is actually the latest trend in self-care. Yes! – embracing discomfort and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is now recognized as an essential tool for personal…


By Rita Ricks

THE POWER SUPERFOODS BRING TO YOUR TABLE I don’t know about you, but I’ve been curious about Superfoods for a minute. I mean, who wouldn’t be intrigued by the idea of these nutrient-packed powerhouses? I’ve heard about superfood salads, but for some reason, I’ve never actually tried one. So, for this blog post, I decided…

Explore the role RESISTANCE plays in Directing your Path

By Rita Ricks

Explore the role RESISTANCE plays in Directing your Path Do you ever feel like you’re your own worst enemy when it comes to making positive changes in your life? You’re not alone. Self-sabotage – the sneaky little voice in your head that convinces you to stay stuck in old habits and patterns is alive and…

75 Plus Years Around the Planet: What I Know for Sure!

By Rita Ricks

75 Plus Years Around the Planet: What I Know for Sure! At 75 plus years old, I am filled with a sense of gratitude for the life I have lived and who I am. April has always been my month for reflection, a time when the flowers bloom and warm weather mirrors the growth and…

It’s time to make a shift from focusing on HOW to asking WHY

By Rita Ricks

It’s time to make a shift from focusing on HOW to asking WHY Are you tired of getting caught up in the nitty-gritty details of how to complete a project, only to lose sight of the bigger picture? It’s time to make a shift from focusing on HOW to asking WHY. By changing your approach…