The Mastermind Group for Forward Thinking Women

Recently, a friend said to me…  “Leadership is Lonely”  and I thought WOW…that is so true!!! I realized that Lady Leaders, are typically, either lifting someone up, explaining something to someone who is looking at you sideways,  attempting to stay two feet ahead, or all of the above. Is this you?  
Here’s my question…
  • Who are you connecting with?
  • Who is supporting you? 
  • Where do you go for feedback when you want the whole truth,  unapologetically? 
  • Where do you go for honest, sometimes brutal feedback that affirms you’re on the right track? 
  • What safe space, do you have, where you can share, be heard and know that you’re understood and receiving unbiased feedback?
  • Where can you move the professional conversation to the personal conversation and hear “me too”?

WHAT IF … there were a group of women providing motivation, encouragement, support, resources, and brutal feedback with the same energy and passion you’re giving to them? 

WHAT IF… there were a group of women offering their wisdom, knowledge, experience, empathy, authenticity, doubts, fears and caring spirit to you, and you them?

WHAT IF… you no longer had to feel alone and lonely in your space?


Every 3rd Tuesday from 7:00pm EST

Bold and Classy is a 6 month Mastermind session, created to give you time to delve deeper and
gain clarity towards …

  • Your role in your Business, Company, Agency,
  • How well you perform in your role
  • Who you are as a partner, parent, sibling, daughter
  • What motivates you
  • Who your front row friends are
  • Your emotional health
  • Your connection to Spirit
  • What it takes for you to be happy

And of course, overcoming challenges along the way, gaining new perspectives and new opportunities.

You will have the support, wisdom and knowledge from others to get things done efficiently and in a timely manner. Maximum number of participants is 10.  Midway, each month, We will reserve a day and time for a 45-minute conference call. You can email questions to me, ahead of time, and I will respond to them on the call. Often, the question you have is identical to one someone else has.

We will provide speakers to provide additional resources as well as recommended books to assist you in your journey.

Your investment is $3,000 for this transforming experience.

Join the Conversation

They Say...

“A wonderful opportunity to connect with other women with similar experiences.”

“I spent time learning more about me.”

“The monthly meetings, group calls and speakers have increased my awareness and perspective.”

“It’s been a great outlet.”

My time with Bold and Classy has been amazing and transformative. I love connecting with likeminded professional women for all walks of life and being able to gain wisdom from Ms. Rita.
Quiana Gainey
President and CEO SecureTech360