Sustainable Legacy

Mastermind Group

Congratulations to you, CEOs!!  You continue to survive challenging times amidst chaos, both personally and professionally – that’s something worth celebrating!  It’s why I’m excited to invite you to join our SUSTAINABLE LEGACY Mastermind Group, where you will create long-term value with lasting impact. This group will not only bring focus, but also clarity, direction and bottom line success…

HOW?? Because Iron sharpens Iron.

Our objective is crystal clear – SUSTAINABLE LEGACY will provide you with an arsenal of speaker resources and solutions to show you how to approach critical areas such as Human Resources, Marketing, Social Media, On-boarding, Managing Time, Recommended Readings and more. Picture this: a powerhouse lineup of industry experts who will equip you with the knowledge and strategies needed to ensure that no gap goes unfulfilled within your Company’s infrastructure.  Imagine gaining access to cutting-edge insights into managing talent, or expertly navigating complex financial landscapes with ease. These invaluable resources are meant to spark your creativity and innovation to forge a stronger future for your business.

Mastermind groups are one of the most productive ways to keep you engaged and motivated towards achieving your goals and the group will hold you accountable. You will gain fresh insight and new perspectives.

And this isn’t just any ordinary group – by filling out our survey form, we’ll tailor each session specifically to your needs.

These packed sessions will be high energy and full of invaluable information.

This invitation is exclusive because we’re looking for entrepreneurs wanting to make valuable contributions towards building an ecosystem centered on growth and sustainability…. are YOU ready? 

If you’ve been in business 3 years or more, and want to build your
Companies ecosystem centered on growth and sustainability, then this
invitation is exclusively for you.

And the best part is we’re meeting face to face at my office – 1510 Willow Lawn Dr. ste 100
Richmond, Virginia

But here’s where it gets even better… We will stay connected with WHATSAPP. You can ask questions, share comments, encouragement and tips 24/7!! I will always respond.

Making a financial investment in yourself and your future, for some reason, is not necessarily an easy decision, but when it comes to this transformative experience, the benefits truly outweigh the costs.

From January 21st – September 16th, 2025, we will meet on the third Tuesday of the month from 10:00am-12:00pm in Richmond. With a monthly commitment of $500 for six months, or alternatively paying the total amount of $3000 upfront, you are embarking on a journey that promises unparalleled growth and development.

This investment will serve as a catalyst for personal and professional transformation, ensuring enhanced value not just to you but also your business, family, and staff. Imagine the untapped ideas waiting to be unleashed within you.

BONUS: Following your SUSTAINABLE LEGACY EXPERIENCE I am offering you any of my three one on one Coaching options at a discounted 10% for one year.

Register Today!!

Don't wait another minute - act fast, limited seating available.