What if there was a space where women could come together, support one another, and focus on their personal growth? Enter The Seekers Circle – a safe haven for like-minded women dedicated to their own Personal Development. Whether you’re seeking guidance in your career, relationships, spirituality, or simply need inspiration to push yourself out of your comfort zone – this is your space. There will be real conversation through forums, discussion threads, and local meetups.

“It is quite a privilege to have quiet time. We get to have an audience with the King of the Universe, the Creator of EVERYTHING!”
– Rick Warren
2nd Tuesday of Every Month
Virtual Retreat
Hosted 2nd Tuesday of every month, 9:00-3:00. Join this virtual experience for a day of journaling, silence, and introspection.
In the midst of chaos, this is an opportunity to block the noise and spend the day listening to your spirit. You’ll be amazed at how calm and peaceful you’ll feel, just because you stopped talking. The silence is TRANSFORMING…your rhythm, your heartbeat will be slower. Join us.
Spiritual & Mental Health Wellness Coach, Angela Lightfoot, creates a tailor-made coaching plan to assist and encourage young adults to overcome the challenges in both their personal and professional lives.
Your investment includes:
Two 60- minute 1:1 conversations per month for 6 months
A customized workbook to assist them on your journey
A Personal and Professional growth plan
Recommended reading list
Access to blog post
In-person and virtual sessions of sisterhood!
The Vault offers you the space to speak to other women similar in age, with similar experiences and challenges. This sisterhood will inspire you to achieve more than you have ever imagined.
In-person every 2nd Saturday and virtual every 4th Wednesday.
You kind of know where you want to go, and you sort of have ideas around how to get there. But, where to start and what to do first? Together, you and your Coach will bring order to your thoughts and ideas, prioritize them and create an individualized plan of action just for you. Not having a plan is preventing you from making decisive decisions. Your meetings will occur over the phone or virtually and your Coach will offer resources, recommendations and continual support. In between sessions, you will incorporate what you’re learning in your daily life in order to build the necessary foundation to feed your courage and power. You can take your time in sorting through your thoughts as well as prevent unnecessary stress that typically comes with change. No worry, your Coach will be with you, every step of the way, to assist you in achieving your success.
Your investment includes:
- One 60-minute conversation monthly
- A Personal and Professional Growth Plan
- You can contact Coach by text in between sessions
- Member of Transformation Circle
What might you be afraid of facing?
Why can’t you move beyond this point?
Have you lost you in the process?
Who do you want to BE as a result of your Breakthrough?
Your Coach will show you how to identify and remove the barriers preventing you from creating the life you were born to live. Together, you will name and destroy barriers…person, place, thing, event, behavior, thoughts. Whatever is keeping you stuck in maybe…guilt, sadness, self-doubt, unhappy, tired, toxicity, confusion, BECAUSE, you know there is so much you have to offer. You will learn to develop new ways of thinking, new behaviors new possibilities and opportunities which will enlarge your territory. Your Coach is your cheerleader, your support system and will hold you accountable for what you say you want.
At the conclusion of the five sessions, you will feel more confident, self fulfilled, and purposeful because you have the tools you need to live the life you imagined…with peace, clarity and balance.
Your investment includes:
- Five (5) Accelerated Sessions over 2-3 Months
- A Personal and Professional Growth Plan
- One SOS Call in between Sessions
- Complimentary PERMISSION GRANTED! Journal of Spiritual Epiphanies
- Member of Transformation Circle & Private FB Page
It’s time you embrace and move into your PURPOSE
It’s time you EXPECT all the good that comes from PURPOSE
It’s time you ALIGN your actions with your PURPOSE
Its time you use your KNOWLEDGE to ALIGN with your PURPOSE
PEAK sessions are for those who have a sense of self and a sense of urgency to live their best life. You know in your heart, you’re capable and able to accomplish whatever..but the noise in your head is definitely a barrier. The noise is deafening and sometimes paralyzing. I know, because I’ve been there. At one point, I asked, “is this all there is to my life? Doing the same things year after year, hoping things will be different. There has to be more in me” So, I had to shift my thinking and change my perspective in order to change my reality. It was less about doing more, it was more about BEING more. I had to PAUSE, and become really clear about what I wanted in my professional and personal life.
How did I want My life to move forward? I now have a strategic plan to make right decisions. I hired coaches and consultants to get me to where I am today. I encourage you to do the same. Spending quality, committed time being coached and held accountable is priceless as you witness your transformation. Your commitment speaks to your wanting to live your authentic self…full of joy, confidence, clarity and purpose.
Your investment includes:
- Two Coaching Sessions per Month
- One SOS call in between Sessions
- Member of Transformation Circle
- Complimentary Copy of PERMISSION GRANTED! Journal of Spiritual Epiphanies and #JUSTFORTODAY
- Recommended Reading List
- A Personal and Professional Growth Plan