Put yourself under the tree!

By Angela Lightfoot

Put yourself under the tree! Eat, drink and be merry… that’s what the holiday season is all about, right? But let’s be honest, coming together and spending time with loved ones over the holidays is sometimes best paired with more than just a cocktail. As we move thru the holiday season and approach the new year, I want you to take a few moments to focus on yourself and how you are operating and moving. What have you been focusing on the most during this time? Has it been YOU at all? Recognize that self-love and self-care are often seen less during this time of year. Instead, people find themselves focused on everything and everyone else but themselves. So, let’s put ourselves under the tree this year as a present for ourselves and a reminder of our importance. To ensure you are focusing on yourself now and through the holiday season, I have some helpful tips to share: 1. Check your emotions: Take a moment and check in with yourself. Seasonal Depression (Seasonal Affective Disorder) is a real thing: It is a depression triggered by the change in seasons. Maintaining your emotions, getting adequate rest and exercise, and talking with your counselor, therapist, or coach to help alleviate some emotional turmoil help. 2. Ask for help: Stop trying to be a superwoman or superman when assistants for just about everything that exists in this modern world. Love yourself enough to recognize that you cannot do it alone. Well, maybe you can, but asking for help allows you more time to focus on yourself and your needs. 3. Let your expectations be kind:I mentioned in the “Crisis of Self Love” Blog about talking to yourself with kindness. But it is also filling yourself with positive expectations. Be easy on yourself when things do not work as planned. Roll with the punches and see what the silver lining is. 4. Create Space to learn how to love yourself:Loving ourselves in our fullness can sometimes be challenging. Join me on January 28th for the “Creating Space to Love Yourself Workshop. In this workshop, you will learn to “Embrace the good, forgive and correct the bad and clean up the ugly.”   Save the Date Creating Space to Love Yourself Join me for a powerful and transformational workshop as we “Create Space” to learn to love ourselves! REGISTER TODAY! Learn More!

The 4 Ps of Success!

By Rita Ricks

The 4 Ps of Success! Moving into the New Year always makes me feel grateful and hopeful. Grateful because I’ve lived thru another year and my family and I are healthy. Hopeful because I expect this coming year to be even better than ever and I typically get what I expect. I know some of you have experienced challenges and loss in this past year and I respect and honor your feelings. I encourage you to look to the future with a passion to live your best life. Please remember, you create your reality by what you think and what you say. In other words, you have the power within you to make the necessary changes to bring you joy. “Every year you make a resolution to change yourself. This year, make a resolution to BE yourself.” – Author unknown What I know for sure is this… Purpose creates the PlanPlan creates the PassionPassion creates the Promise “No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again.” – Buddah Stop resisting your opportunities. Stop thinking you’re all alone. Stop thinking you can’t. The minute you start believing you CAN, your entire life changes…Really. You can do this!!! Then why don’t you? Here’s the Problem… No matter how hard you may want to behave differently and incorporate new behaviors into your life, it is very difficult to stay focused and intentional in order to maintain momentum. Here’s the Mistake… You feel invincible in the New year, with new energy, and think you’re capable of doing anything you want…but that feeling, if you’re lucky, maybe lasts till March 🙂 Here’s the Solution… Join me for “The 4 Ps of Perseverance – Purpose, Plan, Passion, Promise” a free zoom webinar I’m offering on January 4th at 7:00pm. Since PERSEVERE is our Theme for 2023, I want to show you how to organize your thoughts and prioritize for all of 2023. Register below and then show up Jan 4th at 7:00. Those 4 Ps are intricately connected and will bring order into your life. Let me show you. See you on January 4th, 2023!! I am Rita…speaking to your Spirit Save the Date Our BURN VISION Retreat is where you want to be. Throughout the weekend, we will guide you, support you, life you listen to you and speak to your spirit. REGISTER TODAY! Learn More!