Embracing Feminine Energy

By Angela Lightfoot

Embracing Feminine Energy In recent chats with my girlfriends and clients, I’ve noticed something beautiful happening—more and more women are opening up about the desire to reconnect with their “feminine energy.” In 2024, femininity is evolving, and while it can sometimes feel like we’ve drifted from our natural power, there’s an exciting movement stirring within us all. We’re ready to redefine what it means to be a woman, beyond just being “strong.” (Go ahead and put your muscles away for this read, ladies—we’ll flex them later!) For so long, we’ve proudly worn the “strong woman” title. And trust me, we’ve earned it! We’ve conquered challenges in the White House, at home, in relationships, and within ourselves. But here’s the thing—strength doesn’t have to come at the expense of softness. We’re ready to step into our “soft girl, gorgeous woman” era—an era where we fully embrace femininity in all its forms, without constantly feeling the pressure to be tough. This isn’t about choosing softness over strength. It’s about knowing that softness *is* strength. Feminine energy is nurturing, creative, and flows with grace. It’s reconnecting with the beauty that lives within us, tapping into our creativity, and embracing the peace, rest, and joy we deserve. Personally, I’ve been on strike from the “strong woman” label this year—how about you? We all crave balance. It’s time to reclaim our divine feminine energy, the energy that lets us thrive in every area of life with ease, grace, and, yes, softness. This shift is long overdue! Now is the perfect moment to fully embrace the power of our femininity—whether that’s through self-care, slowing down, or simply allowing ourselves to be seen in our true, radiant beauty. Let’s release the pressure to always be “strong” and instead nurture the woman we *want* to be. We deserve to feel soft, gorgeous, and empowered in our own skin. And don’t forget, there’s *so much fun* in embracing our softness! There’s something magical about applying a cute lip gloss, trying a new hairstyle, or wearing that outfit that makes you feel like a million bucks. It’s in those little moments—when you catch your reflection in the mirror, smile, and maybe even wink at yourself—that you’re reminded of your own beauty and power. That light, playful energy is what makes feminine energy so special. It’s about savoring the things that make you feel radiant and confident, just for *you*. If this resonates with you, I’d love for you to join me on November 16th at 7 pm at The Brown House Candle Company for Unleash Your Feminine Power: From Inner Beauty to Bold Expression—a feminine energy packed workshop. We’ll dive deep into what it means to embrace your feminine energy and create personalized lipsticks as a symbol of bringing your inner beauty to the surface. This is your chance to step fully into your feminine power, connect with a community of amazing women, and leave feeling more aligned with the gorgeous woman you are. You don’t want to miss this! See you there.

Reflecting on the Forgiveness Detox: A Journey of Sisterhood and Healing

By Angela Lightfoot

Reflecting on the Forgiveness Detox: A Journey of Sisterhood and Healing On the evening of June 28th, we came together for a transformative Forgiveness Detox, and I am overjoyed to share that it was an overwhelming success. The turnout was incredible, but what truly made the event magical was the deep sense of sisterhood and connection we experienced during our fun girls’ night happy hour. As the evening unfolded, we embraced vulnerability, shared our stories, vented our frustrations, and found moments of laughter amidst the tears. Each woman present opened her heart about her forgiveness journey, offering heartfelt advice and unwavering support to one another. It was a powerful reminder of the strength we find in community and the beauty of sharing our truths. During the workshop, I introduced my F.O.R.G.I.V.E. Method, a structured approach to navigating the complex path of forgiveness. Here’s a brief overview of each step: F: Face the Emotion – Acknowledge and confront the feelings associated with the hurt. For example, recognizing the anger or sadness you feel towards someone who wronged you. (And let’s be honest, sometimes that anger is directed at the barista who messed up your coffee order this morning.) O: Open the Wounds – Allow yourself to revisit the pain and understand its impact. Please be careful with this one. If the trauma is deep, you may want to solicit support from a therapist or coach. (YES, I am available.) R: Release Resentment – Let go of the grudges and bitterness that hold you back. This does not mean to forget; it means releasing the reaction it has on you. The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. This could be through meditation, prayer, or simply deciding to no longer let the resentment control you. G: Grant Forgiveness – Choose to forgive the person who hurt you, not for their sake, but for your own peace. This is not an on and off switch. This is the biggest and often most difficult part of the process, but it is vital. As Ephesians 4:32 says, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” I: Investigate the Lesson – Reflect on what the experience has taught you. Perhaps it has made you stronger, more empathetic, or more aware of your boundaries. (Or maybe it’s just taught you not to loan your favorite shoes to anyone, ever again.) V: Visualize a New Future – This is my favorite part. This is when you get to dream and find your joy. Imagine a future where the pain no longer defines you. Envision the possibilities that open up when you are no longer held back by past hurts. This is the release we hope for and desire most. E: Embrace Healing – Accept the healing process and be patient with yourself. Healing is not linear, and it’s important to give yourself grace as you move forward. This is a beautiful thing for others to also witness. Oftentimes people hide their feelings and the ways they process their healing. It is wonderful to see as it demonstrates the importance of healing intentionally. Forgiveness is a journey, and there is no rush. Each step is crucial, and it’s important to move at your own pace. However, the sooner you free yourself from the pain, the sooner you can live on purpose with purpose. Thank you to all the incredible women who attended and made this workshop a sanctuary of growth and healing. Let’s continue to support each other on this journey of forgiveness and personal transformation. You can catch testimonies from the workshop on my Instagram @msangelacoaches

OOHH We’re Halfway there: Living on Prayer and Goals

By Angela Lightfoot

OOHH We’re Halfway there: Living on Prayer and Goals We’re halfway through 2024, and it’s the perfect time for a mental cartwheel, a goal-setting shimmy, and a heartfelt “Thank you, Jesus!” Even if you haven’t accomplished everything you hoped for, you’re still here with plenty of opportunities to achieve your goals! The Mid-Year Pep Talk Goal GPS: Where are you?Picture this: You’re on a road trip called Life, and you’ve reached that quirky gas station at the halfway mark. Grab some metaphorical snacks (I’ll take some Cheese Puffs), kick back, and ask yourself: Am I cruising toward my goals? Did I detour into the scenic route of Netflix binges? Have I accidentally taken a wrong turn into Procrastinationville? Has God told you listen to his guidance over the GPS? Celebrate the Small and Big Victories:Remember that time you finally organized your sock drawer or nailed that presentation at work? Those deserve mini fireworks in your journey! Each tiny victory is a step forward on your path to greatness. Don’t just brush these moments aside; take a moment to bask in the glow of your achievements. Treat yourself to a little celebration—dance around your living room, indulge in your favorite treat, or share your success with a friend. These small celebrations fuel your motivation, making each milestone feel like the grand finale of a fireworks show. Celebrate it like you just won a Grammy, because in the symphony of your life, every note matters. Goal Remix: Adjust and Let it FlowLife’s DJ just dropped a remix, so it’s time to revisit your initial goals. Are they still relevant, or have circumstances changed? Adjustments are normal, and flexibility is key. Maybe your original goals need a new beat. Ask yourself: Is that side hustle still sparking joy, or did it go platinum? Has your faith been tested, and you see things in a new light? Did you discover a new passion for underwater basket weaving or Pilates, or should it stay on the B-side?  Are you secretly training for a ninja warrior competition, or just trying to stay on beat? Embrace the remix and keep grooving towards your goals! As we journey through the rest of 2024, remember that each step, no matter how small, is part of your unique path. Keep celebrating your victories, adjusting your goals, and staying flexible. Trust that God is guiding your steps and has a plan for your success. You are the architect of your own achievements, with faith as your foundation, shaping a masterpiece that will culminate in an incredible finish. So, embrace your progress, keep striving for excellence, and let the world see your brilliance. Lean on your faith and let God’s light shine through you. Here’s to living on prayer and goals, making 2024 the year you shine the brightest! Keep pursuing those goals, my friend, and always remember: You’ve got this, with God’s grace!

Mom: The Stage Manager of my life!

By Angela Lightfoot

Mom: The Stage Manager of my life! In the grand production of life, there’s always one person who stands out as the guiding force behind the scenes, orchestrating every moment with love and grace. For me, that person is my mother, Anita. She’s not just a mother; she’s my first and forever best friend. In previous posts and discussions, I’ve often referred to the stage of life, emphasizing where people reside – the Front Row, the Balcony, or the Parking Lot. Throughout, I’ve proudly reserved the center seat for my mom. However, upon deeper reflection on her significance in my life, it’s evident she’s far more than a mere spectator; she’s the Stage Manager, flawlessly supporting every facet with meticulous attention and unwavering precision. Just like a Stage Manager in a theater production, my mother is always there, ready to ensure that everything runs smoothly (or at least she is really good at hiding the chaos from me). She anticipates my needs before I even realize them myself, just like a Stage Manager who knows the script by heart. From ensuring I have my favorite dinners on Sunday to offering a listening ear whenever I need it, she’s there backstage, ensuring everything is perfect for the performance of my life. One of the most remarkable parallels between my mother and a Stage Manager is her ability to handle any situation with calmness and poise. As a high-energy person, who often talks a mile a minute, she is often the only one who can get me centered, focused, and calm within a matter of seconds. Just as a Stage Manager remains composed amidst chaos backstage, my mother navigates the ups and downs of life with unwavering strength and grace. No matter what challenges come our way, she’s there, a steady presence in the wings, guiding me through with her wisdom and unwavering support. Moreover, my mother’s attention to detail rivals the most meticulous Stage Manager and Designer for our favorite show, Project Runway! Not only did she design and sew countless costumes for me during my time in the theater, but she also masterfully designed and made my prom dresses, pageant gowns, and Halloween ensembles… and ensembles they were!! Watching her work, I marveled at her skill and speed; she could sew a button and execute a hem faster than anyone I know. Her thoughtfulness and attention to every little aspect make each moment feel tailor-made and special, much like the intricate staging of a theater production. But the most profound aspect of my mother’s role as the Stage Manager of my life is her endless love and compassion. She taught me what unconditional love was and I have been blessed never to see that love waver. Just like a Stage Manager works tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure the success of the show, my mother’s love knows no bounds or time limits. Her selfless sacrifices, boundless patience, and unconditional support are the cornerstone of my very existence. As I conclude this tribute to my mother, I want to express my deepest gratitude to her. Mom, here are your virtual flowers! Thank you, Mom, for your sore knees, which I know are from countless prayers uttered for my well-being. Thank you for your infectious smile that brightens even the darkest days and keeps us going when the going gets tough (which I am proud I inherited). And thank you for all the times I didn’t get to say thank you, for your love knows no conditions or expectations… and I Thank God for that and you! “I Love You More”

Rising Above: Healing the Wounds of Hurtful Words

By Angela Lightfoot

Unlocking Peace: The Power of Forgiveness Have you ever found yourself grappling with the need to forgive someone close who keeps pushing your buttons, or perhaps struggling to let go of the pain caused by a former partner’s betrayal? Maybe you’ve even wrestled with forgiving yourself for past mistakes, haunted by feelings of guilt and self-doubt. And what about those childhood incidents that cast a shadow of resentment over your present?In today’s complex world, forgiveness isn’t just a nice idea; it’s essential for navigating life’s challenges. Whether it’s forgiving others for their flaws, showing grace to ourselves, or finding closure in past hurts, forgiveness is key to unlocking peace and healing.As believers in Christ, we’re called to forgive as we are forgiven daily by Jesus. While I’ll jokingly admit I’m no Jesus, the truth is, I’m constantly striving to be more like him. Forgiveness has been a personal struggle for me at times, as it may have been for you. Is there something you’re struggling to forgive, big or small? Forgiveness isn’t about forgetting; it’s about releasing the grip of trauma, challenge, or pain. I’ve crafted 7 action steps to forgiveness using the word FORGIVE. Today, I’ll share two favorites: Facing Your Feelings Acknowledging our emotions is the first step. Instead of burying or pushing aside our pain, we must confront it head-on. Embracing our feelings creates space for healing, recognizing their validity, and beginning the process of release.Facing your feelings means allowing yourself to sit with discomfort. It’s natural to want to avoid pain, but doing so only prolongs our suffering. Take the time to explore your emotions, even if they’re uncomfortable. Whether it’s anger, sadness, or disappointment, give yourself permission to feel. By facing our feelings, we create an opportunity for growth. We acknowledge the impact of past experiences on our present emotions, allowing ourselves to process and heal from them. Remember, it’s okay not to be okay. Emotions are neither good nor bad; they simply are. Embracing them is the first step towards forgiveness and inner peace. Granting Grace After facing our feelings head on, the next step is to extend grace to those who’ve wronged us. And for some they may need that “Amazing Grace” like the song, type of grace. You know what I mean! Forgiveness isn’t about excusing hurtful actions but freeing ourselves from resentment’s grip. It requires empathy and compassion, understanding everyone’s imperfections. How many times have you known better, but didn’t do better yourself? Granting grace means letting go of the desire for revenge or retribution. It’s recognizing that holding onto anger and bitterness only harms us in the long run. Instead, we choose to release the burden of resentment, offering forgiveness as a gift to ourselves. We open ourselves up to healing and reconciliation. Remember, it doesn’t mean forgetting or condoning the wrongdoing; it’s about choosing to move forward with peace and compassion in our hearts. Remember, forgiveness is a journey, not a destination. It takes time and self-compassion. If you’re struggling, seek support. Are you curious to what the other action steps are to true forgiveness? Join us for our upcoming webinar: Forgiveness Detox on May 22nd at 7 pm. Led by Coach Angela, this workshop offers practical strategies for forgiveness and toxicity release. Register now at RitaRicks.com. Together, let’s embrace forgiveness and embark on a path of healing and growth.