The Power of Your Inner Voice

By Angela Lightfoot

The Power of Your Inner Voice Have you ever had a gut feeling that told you to go one way, but your rational mind said another? Or maybe you’ve heard a tiny voice inside your head whispering doubt and fear when you’re about to take big risks. That little voice is your inner voice – the internal communication system that helps guide us through life’s ups and downs. Whether we listen to it or not, our inner voice has immense power over our decisions, emotions, and overall well-being. In this blog post, we’ll explore the impact of our inner voices on our lives and how we can harness its power for positive change. So, sit back, tune inwards, and let’s dive into the captivating world of the human psyche! What is your inner voice? Your inner voice is that little voice inside your head that guides you and helps you make decisions. It is your conscience, and it is always there to help you. We, as women, also refer to it as our intuition. I call mine “Holy Spirit.” In many cases, the “good” inner voice is never wrong and protects us. Most of the time, your inner voice will lead you in the right direction. However, sometimes it can be hard to hear your inner voice over the noise of the world around you. If you are feeling lost or confused, take some time to quiet your mind and listen to what your inner voice has to say. You know Rita and I are big on encouraging you to spend time in silence. Remember, “the solution is in the silence.” Your inner voice is unique to you, and it knows what is best for you. Trust yourself and trust your inner voice. It will never steer you wrong. The Impact of Negative Self-Talk on Mental Health. Negative self-talk can have a significant impact on your mental health. If you regularly tell yourself that you’re not good enough, that you’ll never achieve your goals, or that you’re worthless, it can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-worth. Negative self-talk can also contribute to negative thinking patterns, which can become entrenched and difficult to break free from. If you find yourself regularly engaging in negative self-talk, it’s important to seek help. Depending on your severity, that help could come from a Mental Health Wellness Coach like myself or from a mental health professional who can help you identify the thoughts and beliefs that are driving your negative self-talk. Together we will work to develop more positive and realistic thought patterns that are healthy and help you achieve your goals. The Benefits of Positive Self-Talk Positive self-talk has been shown to have a number of benefits for both mental and physical health. People who engage in positive self-talk tend to have better mental health overall and are more resilient in the face of stress. They also tend to have lower levels of anxiety and depression. Physical health benefits have also been linked to positive self-talk. People who engage in positive self-talk tend to have lower blood pressure, heart rate, and improved immune function. There is also some evidence that positive self-talk can improve chronic pain conditions. Mind over matter… so to speak, and it reduces the feelings of feeling sorry for yourself. Affirmation: Thoughts have power. If your inner voice is not in alignment with where you are trying to be use the following affirmation to jump start your positive thoughts. I am enough. I’m flawed and make mistakes but that is ok. I don’t need to be perfect. I accept myself. Everybody has struggles and makes mistakes. I’m completely loveable just as I am. I don’t need for others to validate my self-worth. I don’t need to please everyone all the time. I know in my heart that I am enough. My struggles and imperfections don’t define me. I will continue to change and grow from a place of self acceptance. I will offer myself love and compassion. I am completely loveable just as I am today. I am enough. Understanding the power of your inner voice and how it affects your life is a critical step in taking charge of yourself, developing positive self-talk, setting healthy boundaries, and creating meaningful relationships. Learning to recognize what your inner voice is telling you can be challenging but with practice and patience, you will slowly start to become more aware of its influence. With this newfound understanding of the importance of listening to your own intuition, you can use it as a powerful guide on the journey towards making lasting changes in all areas of your life. Join “The Vault” Do you need guidance, motivation, direction, and a strong shoulder to lean on? Under the coaching leadership of Spiritual and Mental Health Wellness Coach Angela Lightfoot, The Vault offers you the space to speak to other women similar in age, with similar experiences and challenges. Learn More!

Being Grateful

By Rita Ricks

Being Grateful Being Grateful is the most positive and enlightening feeling I believe one can ever experience. To be grateful is to feel alive, present, authentic, at peace, joyful, satisfied, less stressed, not in charge, safe in God’s arms, prepared, equipped, empowered, in order, and victorious. Being Grateful is about looking around your environment and realizing how truly Blessed you are…….despite the challenges you face. You are breathing, therefore, you still have unused gifts inside of you that were created for you to share. Being Grateful is realizing that you have the capacity to help others BE GRATEFUL. Think about the words I used to describe Being Grateful. Do any of these words describe you in any part of your day? Choose any two of those words, and keep them in front of you today. When you ask people how they are, do they ever say…I’m Grateful? Most people respond with complaints. They use words like “struggling,” or “holding on,” or “could be better.” Those are all victim phrases. They speak as though there is no hope, no way that life can be better, and that kind of thinking is unacceptable. Life is already better because today is a new day, and it’s an opportunity to learn from yesterday and make things right. You must believe it in order to achieve it. You cannot allow your negative situations to define you. Look beyond them and remind yourself often of JEREMIAH 29:11 – God knows the plans He has for you, and they are for good and not for evil. You just have to follow the plan. What does it take to create a constant state of BEING GRATEFUL? It takes a lot less effort than living in a constant state of chaos where you’re never satisfied. Being Grateful is about recognizing your blessings and truly knowing you are blessed rather than just saying it because that phrase is the flavor of the month. You can create a constant state of Being Grateful in your life. You know the feeling of gratitude when someone does something nice for you, and you say thank you? Gratitude is just as it sounds: gratefulness. It is a particularly great feeling that we can all feel when honored or appreciated. That human emotion can be harnessed to change your life, forever! The benefits are so great that it can actually make you healthier! We already know how good it feels to do something for someone else, but why don’t we use it more often as a tool to make ourselves happy? What actions must you take in order to create your constant state of Being Grateful? Keep a Gratitude journal with you at all times so that you can record the blessings that are all around you. Keep your spiritual eyes and ears open so that you can see beyond the human experiences and circumstances and begin to see and understand how God is moving in your life. This is why silence is such a critical part of your everyday activity. You have to become conscious of what’s happening around you – the opportunities which are right in front of you, the path that God has you on, are all for your own good. Sending out words and feelings of Being Grateful will be returned to you. I don’t know the author, but this is the perfect ending for my blog on Being Grateful… “It’s not happiness that brings us gratitude. It’s gratitude that brings us happiness.” I am Rita…speaking to your Spirit Save the Date The 4 Ps To Help You PERSEVERE Are you ready to go down a different path? Join me virtually, at 7:00 EST on May 3rd, to celebrate you and your PERSEVERANCE. There is no cost to this workshop. I believe as we move to midway 2023, it’s ok to alter our course. Join me! Learn More! OUR Services Transformation Tribe Transformation Tribe – the only online community designed specifically for women, offering a safe and inspiring space to share your goals, experiences, and journeys. Learn More!