Worry Bout Yourself

By Angela Lightfoot

“Worry Bout Yourself” There can be so much going on during the holiday season that can easily distract us. We’ve got shopping. We’ve got food buying. Don’t forget the food preparation and eating. There is personal time with family and friends. We have parties and festivities.  We attend faith-based and remembrance services and share moments where we honor our ancestors. And during this special time, how often are you taking a moment to focus on yourself? Taking time to Worry Bout Yourself or focus on yourself can easily take a backseat when so much needs to be done, especially during the holiday season. But too much focus on other people, places, and things can pull you out of balance and keep you far away from fulfilling your own needs. It’s essential to recognize that if we worry so much about others, we can blur the lines that define what we have to do and what we really don’t have to do or worry about. Please recognize that focusing on yourself does not make you a selfish person. In fact, it makes you a brilliant person focusing on being able to be a better person to not only yourself but others. We have all heard the quote about pouring from an empty cup. But there is also such a thing as pouring from a toxic cup. So, ensure that what you’re pouring into yourself and others is of good nature, love, hope, patience, compassion, and generosity. Here are a few ways to “Worry Bout Yourself” during this holiday season… And any other season, for real! 1. Stop talking bad about my best friend, You! You wouldn’t allow your best friend to talk bad about themselves, so why do you talk so bad about yourself? I don’t care if their negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, or taking on the opinions of others. A simple rule is to not say anything to yourself that you wouldn’t say to anyone else. Be gentle to yourself. Use positive phrases and affirmations to yourself while looking in the mirror. You are a child of God; remember that! Begin to speak love and light into and over your life. Holiday Cheer is a real thing, and it starts with yourself. 2. Remember to Just Breathe We often work ourselves up over things that we have absolutely no control over. For example, there’s often worry about forgetting someone’s gift, not being able to attend an event with the in-laws, or the unrecognized fear of what the holidays will be like after a significant change. Just breathe… Take a few moments to be still. During the season, I’m often reminded of Psalms 46:10, “Be Still, and know that I am GOD .” We do not have to do everything. We do not have to be everyone. We do not have to go everywhere. But we can be confident and assured that no matter what happens, God’s got us. With that protection, it makes it a little bit easier to simply just breathe. 3. Take Advantage of the opportunities I love all the holiday sales that pop up during this time. Now it is important to be mindful of senseless spending. But it can be easy to include yourself in some of the deals. For example, some of my favorite restaurants are offering bonus gift cards with purchases. This creates opportunities to take me to lunch or happy hour! I am a great bargain shopper, and while finding great deals for others, I may purchase something small too. Or while the family is visiting and they offer assistance, you allow them help and remove critics about how it’s done. So take some pressure off and take advantage of the gifts around you. 4. Check out the Three Wise Women Now we all know the story of the Three Wise Men and their journey to Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus. But have you heard the story of the Three Wise Women who are combating holiday stress? Join Rita Ricks, Angela Lightfoot, and Celia Powell on November 12th at 10 a.m. for The Naughty List: Combating Holiday Stress. This workshop will help you set clear boundaries, manage your finances, and show you successful ways to create your best holiday ever. Save the Date The Naughty List 2.0 Join us as we share recommendations for navigating, overcoming, and enjoying your holidays. REGISTER TODAY! Learn More! ACHIEVING YOUR GREATNESS Coaching session for Young Adults Are you ready to support your young adult in their healing, contact me today! Learn More!