As CEO of Your Life: Strategic Reflections on What to Stop, Start, and Carry Forward in the New Year

By Rita Ricks

As CEO of Your Life: Strategic Reflections on What to Stop, Start, and Carry Forward in the New Year As CEO of your life, you create your own reality. As you enter a new year filled with possibilities, it’s time to strategically reflect on what will truly propel you forward as well as leaving behind any habits or patterns that are holding you back. In this blog post, I want you to delve into the power of self-reflection and explore what to stop, start, and carry forward in order to experience a fulfilling year ahead.  I’m going to share some strategic insights that will empower you to take charge of your life. Being the CEO of your life means taking ownership of your decisions, choices, and actions. It is about embracing the role of a leader and creating a vision for yourself that aligns with your values, goals, and aspirations. Just like a CEO of a company, you have the power to make strategic decisions that will steer your life towards success, joy and peace.  If you’re going through the motions without actively taking control of your life…Then you’re living on autopilot. As CEO of your life, you are responsible for setting clear objectives and designing actionable plans to achieve them. You have to be intentional about how you spend your time, what habits you develop, and what relationships you nurture. This requires a deep understanding of yourself – knowing your strengths, weaknesses, passions, and purpose. Think about it – no one knows you better than yourself. You are uniquely equipped with knowledge about what makes you happy or unhappy; what motivates or demotivates you; what fulfills or drains you. It is essential to tap into this self-awareness regularly through reflection and silence and planning.  One of the main reasons why reflection and planning are important for personal growth is that they help you identify areas where you need improvement. By taking a step back and evaluating your actions, behaviors, and thought patterns, you gain valuable insights into your strengths and weaknesses. This self-awareness is vital as it allows you to focus on specific areas that require attention or change. You probably will discover patterns of behavior that have been holding you back from reaching your full potential or hindering your progress. Taking time for self-reflection allows you to slow down and tune into your thoughts, feelings, desires, and values. It enables you to understand what truly matters to you and ultimately align your actions with your spirit. Planning goes hand in hand with reflection as it empowers you to turn insights gained from self-reflection into actionable goals. Without a solid plan in place, it is easy to get lost or feel overwhelmed while trying to achieve personal growth. Planning provides structure and direction. Identifying what needs to stop in your life can be a difficult but crucial step towards personal growth and self-improvement. We often get so caught up in our daily routines and habits that we fail to recognize patterns or behaviors that may no longer be serving us well. This could mean anything from toxic relationships to negative thought patterns, or even destructive habits such as procrastination or self-doubt. The first step towards identifying what needs to stop is to  set aside some quiet time where you can honestly evaluate your life without any distractions. Ask yourself questions such as: What am I doing that is causing me stress? What are the things that drain my energy and bring me down? What habits or behaviors are holding me back from reaching my goals?  For example, a toxic relationship may cause feelings of insecurity and self-doubt, whereas procrastinating on important tasks can lead to increased stress levels and missed opportunities. These negative influences can also manifest physically in the form of headaches, anxiety, fatigue, or other health issues. By becoming more mindful of how these things affect you both mentally and physically, you’ll gain a better understanding of why they need to be stopped. As you start a new year, it’s natural to reflect on your past habits and behaviors and consider ways to improve. Whether you’re looking to become more productive, strengthen your relationships, or simply live a healthier lifestyle, incorporating new habits and actions into your daily routine can greatly benefit you in the long run. Here are some key steps for successfully introducing new habits and actions into your daily routine: Before starting any new habit or action, it’s important to have a clear understanding of why you want to implement it. Start small by selecting one or two key habits to focus on at first. Once these become second nature, gradually add more over time. Schedule specific times for when you will practice the habit each day and hold yourself accountable by setting reminders. Having someone else hold you accountable can be incredibly helpful when trying to introduce new habits into your routine. It is common to set goals and make resolutions for the future. However, before diving into the future, it is important to reflect on the past year and acknowledge what worked well. This practice of strategic reflection allows you to identify areas that may need improvement. Take time to reflect on what activities or habits helped you reach your goals or brought positivity into your life. This is why carrying forward positive practices from the past year is crucial. These could be things like regular exercise, setting aside time for self-care, networking events that led to career opportunities, or consistently meeting deadlines at work. Once you’ve  identified these practices, make a conscious effort to continue them in the new year. If they were helpful in the past, chances are they will continue to bring value in the present and future as well. It is important not to let go of things that are working well just because it’s a new year.  Also carrying forward positive practices also means learning from your mistakes and making necessary changes. Staying accountable and motivated…

Embracing the New Year: Expressing Love to Those in Our Front Row

By Angela Lightfoot

Embracing the New Year: Expressing Love to Those in Our Front Row As the curtains begin to rise on a new year, the stage of life suggest that we ponder the roles people play in our personal narratives. It’s associated to a grand theater where individuals find their places—some in the front row, some in the balcony, and others relegated to the parking lot. The front row represents a select few—those special souls who walk alongside us through the highs and lows. Rita refers to them as our Ride-or-Dies! They are the pillars of strength, the ones who witness our vulnerabilities and celebrate our triumphs. These individuals aren’t just witnesses to our lives; they’re active participants, offering unwavering support and boundless love. In my journey, my dear brother occupied a prominent seat in this front row. His love was a compass that guided me through life’s labyrinth, his presence an anchor that provided support in rough and turbulent times. His passing emphasized the depth of this front-row connection, igniting a profound realization—a recognition of the value of expressing love and gratitude while we have the chance. Then there’s the balcony—a space reserved for those with whom we share a more peripheral connection. They’re part of our world, but their involvement is not as deeply rooted as those in the front row. These individuals witness parts of our lives, engaging in conversations and shared experiences, but they might not comprehend the intricacies of our inner world. It’s important to maintain your boundaries with these folks. Lastly, there’s the parking lot—a metaphorical space for people who were once part of our story but, for various reasons, no longer align with our journey. They might include former friends, acquaintances, Ex’s, or individuals whose paths diverged from ours.(Remember, some people are only in our lives only for a season) While their presence might have held significance at one point, life’s shifting dynamics led to their place in the parking lot. The separation between these tiers isn’t about hierarchies (or affordability like the theatre); it’s about understanding the varying degrees of connection and involvement in our lives. It’s about recognizing the depth of love, support, and loyalty you have surrounding you. Ultimately, it’s about comprehending the invaluable contribution of those in the front row—the love that molds our being and empowers us to embrace our truest selves. This new year prompts us not just to set resolutions but to reflect on the people who enrich our lives—the front row folks who offer unwavering love and support, the balcony acquaintances who share glimpses of our world, and the parking lot individuals whose paths diverged from ours. Reach out to those in your front row today—express your love and gratitude while you have the chance. May this new year be a testament to cherishing those in our front row—vocalizing our love and appreciation for their unwavering support. Let’s navigate this new year’s stage with gratitude for the roles these individuals play, for it’s their love that adds depth and richness to our stories. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!