By Rita Ricks

VOTE! MAKING CHOICES FOR THE HEALTH OF OUR PLANET AND PEOPLE!! As the sun rises on a new era of environmental consciousness, one undeniable truth emerges: our collective voices have the power to shape the future of our planet. With every election cycle that comes and goes, we hold in our hands not just ballots, but tools for transformation—tools that can protect fragile ecosystems, combat climate change, and promote sustainable development for generations to come. Your vote is more than just a mark on a page; it’s an affirmation of hope and responsibility.  Participating in elections empowers you to advocate for policies that safeguard the future of our great grands as well as this wonderful planet – which, right now, is on life support.  Your vote matters now more than ever. When we vote, we’re not only casting a ballot, we’re voicing our values and priorities, as visitors to this planet. Here’s my ask…List 3 values you live by and determine which political candidate aligns with those values.  I’m not talking party, gender, race, ethnicity, or sexual preference. I’m talking about the candidate you want your children and grandchildren to emulate. I’ll start… I want a leader who embodies the essence of hope and possibility, someone whose vision extends beyond today’s challenges to embrace an inclusive future where every American feels safe and valued in their pursuit of happiness. This leader will be rooted in the understanding that our strength lies in our diversity, welcoming individuals from all walks of life with open arms and an open heart. They will not merely react to circumstances but rather anticipate the needs of tomorrow by crafting comprehensive plans for sustainability, public health, and societal well-being. With maturity woven into their decision-making process, this leader will prioritize honesty and sincerity over rhetoric, communicating transparently about both aspirations and obstacles while remaining steadfastly grounded in principles that resonate with common decency. Moreover, their humility will reflect a deep respect for something greater than themselves, drawing inspiration from faith yet resonating universally across diverse beliefs; they’ll strive not just for progress but also purpose—guiding us toward a thriving community united by shared values rather than division. Political decisions shape our lives in profound ways. They influence our economy, education, and health care system, to name a few.  Those decisions are made by people we put in office.  These people ARE the Government – the Government we hire them to run. It’s why we must know the people we’re voting for…who they are as human beings.  You have to interview them, because you’re going to employ them. The people WE put into office, will determine how efficient the response is to crises like natural disasters or public health emergencies. Our vote holds power over legislation concerning education funding or healthcare access. making voting not just a right but a responsibility we cannot afford to ignore.  Education and healthcare are critical to our wellbeing and must not be put in the hands of anyone unable to think beyond his/her own self interest. When you choose not to vote, you give up your power as a human being. Policies are shaped by those who show up on Election Day. A missed opportunity can result in laws that don’t reflect our needs or priorities we care about most. Every time we cast a vote, we’re shaping the world our children and grandchildren will inherit. Policies on climate change, education, and healthcare are influenced by who holds political power.  This election will determine regulations that will either protect us from, or allow, harmful practices to thrive.  Every vote carries weight. When it comes to protecting our planet, voting is not just a right; it’s a responsibility.  Engagement matters now more than ever. Whether it’s local measures or national elections, each choice reflects our values regarding health and sustainability for both people and nature alike. I hope my words inspire you to take part in this vital endeavor, for it is through our collective effort that we safeguard hope—not only for ourselves but for generations yet to come.  And please share with others.    Let me hear your thoughts. I am Rita…speaking to your Spirit Contact me to discuss the sadness you’re feeling – Let me know if you have other coping skills to share. Let me know your thoughts on this blog. Contact | Spiritual Coach + Business Coach | Rita Ricks

Embracing Feminine Energy

By Angela Lightfoot

Embracing Feminine Energy In recent chats with my girlfriends and clients, I’ve noticed something beautiful happening—more and more women are opening up about the desire to reconnect with their “feminine energy.” In 2024, femininity is evolving, and while it can sometimes feel like we’ve drifted from our natural power, there’s an exciting movement stirring within us all. We’re ready to redefine what it means to be a woman, beyond just being “strong.” (Go ahead and put your muscles away for this read, ladies—we’ll flex them later!) For so long, we’ve proudly worn the “strong woman” title. And trust me, we’ve earned it! We’ve conquered challenges in the White House, at home, in relationships, and within ourselves. But here’s the thing—strength doesn’t have to come at the expense of softness. We’re ready to step into our “soft girl, gorgeous woman” era—an era where we fully embrace femininity in all its forms, without constantly feeling the pressure to be tough. This isn’t about choosing softness over strength. It’s about knowing that softness *is* strength. Feminine energy is nurturing, creative, and flows with grace. It’s reconnecting with the beauty that lives within us, tapping into our creativity, and embracing the peace, rest, and joy we deserve. Personally, I’ve been on strike from the “strong woman” label this year—how about you? We all crave balance. It’s time to reclaim our divine feminine energy, the energy that lets us thrive in every area of life with ease, grace, and, yes, softness. This shift is long overdue! Now is the perfect moment to fully embrace the power of our femininity—whether that’s through self-care, slowing down, or simply allowing ourselves to be seen in our true, radiant beauty. Let’s release the pressure to always be “strong” and instead nurture the woman we *want* to be. We deserve to feel soft, gorgeous, and empowered in our own skin. And don’t forget, there’s *so much fun* in embracing our softness! There’s something magical about applying a cute lip gloss, trying a new hairstyle, or wearing that outfit that makes you feel like a million bucks. It’s in those little moments—when you catch your reflection in the mirror, smile, and maybe even wink at yourself—that you’re reminded of your own beauty and power. That light, playful energy is what makes feminine energy so special. It’s about savoring the things that make you feel radiant and confident, just for *you*. If this resonates with you, I’d love for you to join me on November 16th at 7 pm at The Brown House Candle Company for Unleash Your Feminine Power: From Inner Beauty to Bold Expression—a feminine energy packed workshop. We’ll dive deep into what it means to embrace your feminine energy and create personalized lipsticks as a symbol of bringing your inner beauty to the surface. This is your chance to step fully into your feminine power, connect with a community of amazing women, and leave feeling more aligned with the gorgeous woman you are. You don’t want to miss this! See you there.