OOHH We’re Halfway there: Living on Prayer and Goals

By Angela Lightfoot

OOHH We’re Halfway there: Living on Prayer and Goals We’re halfway through 2024, and it’s the perfect time for a mental cartwheel, a goal-setting shimmy, and a heartfelt “Thank you, Jesus!” Even if you haven’t accomplished everything you hoped for, you’re still here with plenty of opportunities to achieve your goals! The Mid-Year Pep Talk Goal GPS: Where are you?Picture this: You’re on a road trip called Life, and you’ve reached that quirky gas station at the halfway mark. Grab some metaphorical snacks (I’ll take some Cheese Puffs), kick back, and ask yourself: Am I cruising toward my goals? Did I detour into the scenic route of Netflix binges? Have I accidentally taken a wrong turn into Procrastinationville? Has God told you listen to his guidance over the GPS? Celebrate the Small and Big Victories:Remember that time you finally organized your sock drawer or nailed that presentation at work? Those deserve mini fireworks in your journey! Each tiny victory is a step forward on your path to greatness. Don’t just brush these moments aside; take a moment to bask in the glow of your achievements. Treat yourself to a little celebration—dance around your living room, indulge in your favorite treat, or share your success with a friend. These small celebrations fuel your motivation, making each milestone feel like the grand finale of a fireworks show. Celebrate it like you just won a Grammy, because in the symphony of your life, every note matters. Goal Remix: Adjust and Let it FlowLife’s DJ just dropped a remix, so it’s time to revisit your initial goals. Are they still relevant, or have circumstances changed? Adjustments are normal, and flexibility is key. Maybe your original goals need a new beat. Ask yourself: Is that side hustle still sparking joy, or did it go platinum? Has your faith been tested, and you see things in a new light? Did you discover a new passion for underwater basket weaving or Pilates, or should it stay on the B-side?  Are you secretly training for a ninja warrior competition, or just trying to stay on beat? Embrace the remix and keep grooving towards your goals! As we journey through the rest of 2024, remember that each step, no matter how small, is part of your unique path. Keep celebrating your victories, adjusting your goals, and staying flexible. Trust that God is guiding your steps and has a plan for your success. You are the architect of your own achievements, with faith as your foundation, shaping a masterpiece that will culminate in an incredible finish. So, embrace your progress, keep striving for excellence, and let the world see your brilliance. Lean on your faith and let God’s light shine through you. Here’s to living on prayer and goals, making 2024 the year you shine the brightest! Keep pursuing those goals, my friend, and always remember: You’ve got this, with God’s grace!


By Rita Ricks

THE POWER SUPERFOODS BRING TO YOUR TABLE I don’t know about you, but I’ve been curious about Superfoods for a minute. I mean, who wouldn’t be intrigued by the idea of these nutrient-packed powerhouses? I’ve heard about superfood salads, but for some reason, I’ve never actually tried one. So, for this blog post, I decided to research the world of Superfoods to see if they’re worth all the hype. And let me tell you, the more I read up on them, the more excited I got! Superfoods are basically like little superheroes in your pantry – they are jam-packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can do wonders for your health and well-being. Just imagine all those essential nutrients working their magic inside your body – reducing inflammation, lowering risks of cancer and chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes… It’s an answer to my prayers. Plus, they can boost your immune system and keep your gut happy and healthy. Honestly, who wouldn’t want to add more superfoods into their diet? But here’s the thing – as amazing as superfoods are, it’s important not to go overboard with them. Some of these foods can be pretty pricey and eating too many of them might throw off the balance in your diet. So while incorporating superfoods into your meals is definitely a great idea… moderation is key! Because I’m reading all about the great benefits of these amazing nutrient-packed foods, I knew I had to learn what foods we’re talking about to determine if my body is familiar with any of them. And guess what? YAAAAAAY! I am pleased to announce that my body and superfoods have been besties for quite some time now. I mean, come on, I love regularly eating delicious blueberries, nutrient-rich spinach, crunchy almonds, zesty lemons, powerful broccoli, vibrant beets, wholesome brown rice, protein-packed black beans and chickpeas, tasty salmon packed with omega-3s,and savory garlic? And let’s not forget about the versatile olive oil that is a staple in my kitchen. I’ve been fueling my body with these incredible super foods without even realizing it. My taste buds are loving me right now! Writing this blog has opened my eyes to the incredible health benefits of superfoods. I hope that you also have learned something new and are inspired to incorporate more of these nutrient-dense foods into your diet. I would love to hear from you about your experiences with superfoods and any suggestions or feedback you may have for me. Let’s continue on our journey towards better health together! This will definitely improve our aging process. Don’t hesitate to contact me here: Contact | Spiritual Coach + Business Coach | Rita Ricks I am Rita…speaking to your Spirit