By James Price

https://youtu.be/_YrhmepajJ4 STILL WAITING TO HEAR BACK FROM YOU… I’m checking on you. It’s been a minute since we connected. I want to know what you need and if I can’t help you, refer you to someone who can. This is the anniversary of a year that messed, certainly for me, my mind, body, and spirit. Wow!! But like you, I survived and so, what’s next? What did you learn from experiencing this pandemic year? What are you doing differently? Take a look at my video and decide if you’re ready to be coached Business and Life Coaching Services | Speak to Your Spirit

How to Keep Your Emotions In Check When Life Gets Funky

By adminspeaking

How to Check in with Your Emotions When you are going through a financial crisis, problems in your marriage and relationships, or loss, it’s important to stay in control of your emotions; too many bad experiences can drive you insane and sometimes drown you in emotion. To regain control it’s important to learn how to check in on your emotions. Checking into your emotions suggests that you stay in constant control when things aren’t going your way. 5 Easy Steps to Assessing Your Emotions  Before we begin, you must remember to get in touch with a spiritual life coach who will study and evaluate your progress while providing guidance and suggestions for your own unique experiences. Journalize Your Thoughts Writing words on paper is a tried-and-true method of self-therapy, especially for those who find it difficult to confide in others about their pain and demons.  This allows for reflection and helps in seeing the solutions to problems. It also reveals long-lost dreams and desires that you once intended to achieve.  “Permission Granted,” by business and spiritual coach Rita Ricks, contains excellent journal therapy tips and guides.   Read Motivational Materials Reading motivational books, articles, and materials is a great way to stay inspired, especially when going through difficult times in life; when you come into contact with stories that resonate with yours, a glimmer of hope will restore your joy.    Be Silent Absolute silence in total serenity is a great way to calm the thoughts rumbling within your mind. In a quiet space, take 5 to 10 minutes of silence while focusing on nothing. After this exercise, the mind will be clear enough to make clear decisions. Practice this to stay in control of your emotions. Practice breathing Breathing, when practiced with intention, allows you to focus on your breathing while inflating and deflating your lungs. This technique is a great way to keep the mind fresh. This technique is a great way to keep the mind fresh.    Watch What you Eat Did you know that what you eat affects not just the stomach but your brain? According to Harvard Med School, eating a high-quality diet nourishes the brain and protects it from oxidative stress.  Oxidates can damage brain cells. You want to watch your diet the way you would other priceless possessions, as it directly affects your health and wellness.   It would be helpful to connect with a spiritual business coach to help you reach your full potential.  Contact us at speaktoyourspirit.com/contact/.

Thoughts Are Power

By adminspeaking

Thoughts Are Power Have you ever looked at some specific object and asked  yourself, “How did someone think of this?”   Take a moment to acknowledge that each of us has the ability to build something different.  There are people who consistently strive to manifest their imagination. This is the true power of thoughts, bringing change to the world. Take a moment to acknowledge creation. Then you will see that the foundations of what we call life are made up of regular people just like you and me, people who consistently strive to manifest their imagination. This is the true power of thoughts, bringing change to the world. The Mind – a Necessity for Your Success Did you know when the mind is focused on a specific objective, all your nerves and system become fixated on carrying out the task at hand? And with just a bit more consistency, such objectives may be accomplished. The mind which secures your thoughts is the mother of all imaginations, and when imaginations are spoken into words, they become manifestations. To be in control of your destiny, you must learn to be intentional with your thoughts, all day, every day.  You must learn to speak and think positively as this will eventually become your will. This principle is the true interpretation of the Law of Attraction. Why Is it Important to Take Control of Your Thoughts? The law of attraction is a philosophy from the book “How a Man Thinketh” written by James Allen in 1902. Today, this theory has given many people great control over their lives. Practicing this simple act of giving to receive will make you a beneficiary of: Inner Peace: Thinking, speaking, and doing positive things for yourself and the people around you, sets you on the right path to harnessing peace within yourself. Mastermind of your Thoughts:  To become a mastermind of your thoughts, you must become a consistent thinker of positivity. This allows you to enjoy the creativity of being productive in every aspect of life. Learn to Speak to Your Spirit To take control of your life, you must ask yourself: What do I constantly think about? What is the common thread in my thoughts? Are my thoughts preventing me from moving forward? Whatever those answers are, it’s up to you. LISTENING TO THE SILENCE is an all day exercise which allows you to shut out the outside noise and listen to the voice within.  The solution is in the Silence    Learn more here.   Learn more about how you can take control of your thoughts and your life with a spiritual business coach.  Contact us here. 

What’s the Focus of Your Mindset?

By adminspeaking

Taking a Deep Dive into Self Growing up isn’t always easy, especially in a society that does not support your dreams and ambition, or with parents that disagree with your preferred career path. This is a problem most children in Europe face, having been forced into schools that do not allow them to use their talent.Taking a dive into self is a therapeutic way of connecting to the true you, allowing you to manifest your greatest gift even after so much time has been lost. 5 Questions to Help Reveal Your True Self Revealing your inner self requires a lot of time and observation. So, you need to take a week to evaluate and reflect on these questions. 1. Are You Living Your Life in Alignment with Who You Are? Most people who are forced into a life they never wanted or often discouraged from taking their dream jobs need to focus on this question. This is because it would help bring out their true intentions and inspirations. Get in touch with business coach Rita Ricks to get the help you need to walk on the right path. 2. What Nags at You Constantly? Tracing the footprint to reveal your true self allows you to see your passion and childhood inspirations. Apart from giving you strength, these memories will leave you reminiscing about the things you long to explore. Exploring these deep desires will bring you life satisfaction, assuring you that your life was well spent. 3. What Difference Do You Want to Make? Living the life you desire is very rewarding. Even when such a journey might be lonely to explore, it’s better done than remembered with regret. These paths you have decided to take would give you the opportunity to make a difference. Whether small or big, a lot of people would have benefitted from the great things you do. 4. What Legacy Do You Want to Leave Behind? Every moment of every day counts toward the time you have spent on earth. And these moments write a story in your book – your legacy, which the world you have created will remember when you’re gone. That said, you must find within yourself what legacy you want to live behind for your children and the generation yet to come. 5. What Is Your Inner Knowing? A strong sense of being is an identity that can never be taken away from you. This could be your natural-born gift or your talent. Figuring out your inner self  is the key that opens the door to the life you were born to live. Get to know more about the real you with business, coach Rita Ricks, on her series, Spirit Mastermind available on YouTube.