Does it frustrate you to hear, “just do it”?

It sounds good, but, HOW do you start? WHERE do you start? WHY should you start?…Because you were born with purpose. You were born with the specific gifts inside of you to live that purpose. In this moment, you have everything you need to “just do it”

LISTEN PLAN IMPLEMENT is designed to show you HOW to move forward, WHERE to start and most importantly, WHY you should start.

We'll show
you how to:

  • LISTEN for your vision
  • PLAN your action steps
  • IMPLEMENT your plan

You must

  • You are capable of much more
  • You can Leave a Legacy of Excellence
  • You can be in alignment with your purpose
  • You can create the life you were born to live

This workshop goes virtual on August 20th from 9:00a – 12:00p EST

Decide Right Now to Invest in You!

You will receive a Digital Workbook. In it...

  We speak directly about how to identify your vision which is your purpose…where you’re being led.

We clarify the difference between Goals and Action steps to guide you.

We show you the process to incorporate your plan into quarters, months, weeks, and days.

BONUS: 30 minute one on one meeting with Rita to solidify your PLAN


Virtual Webinar | August 20th | 9:00a  – 12:00p EST

Workshops with Rita Ricks