Claiming Your Best Self

Webinar Series

76 Years Around the Planet: What I Know for Sure

Episode 2

June 26, 2023 @ 7pm | Cost: FREE

They say that with age comes wisdom, and at 76 years old, I have certainly accumulated my fair share of it. Over the years, I’ve experienced countless life lessons and learned valuable skills that have made me who I am today. As I reflect on everything I’ve been through, there are a few things that stand out to me as nuggets of truth – things that I know for sure.

Turning 40 was a huge milestone for me in so many ways…new career, new relationships, new perspective, new freedom, new behaviors, new path. And I can honestly say I’ve been following that path ever since.  What an amazing journey, and I’ve learned so much about me.  I’ve made mistakes, I’ve made apologies.  I’ve lost some and won some. I’ve forgiven, but not always forgotten. I have an incredible vision for my future, I’m eager about my present, and I’ve let go of my past. 

Here’s what I know for sure…

  1. God and I are co-creators of my life
  2. The solution is in the Silence
  3. The Law of attraction is alive and well
  4. You always have a choice
  5. What you do today, forms your tomorrow

6. Do not settle
7. Things don’t happen to you, they happen for you
8. Your vision should pull you forward
9. Worry adds NOTHING to your life
10. Nourish your Mind, Body, and Spirit

Now that I’ve shared, you probably have questions.  Do you want clarity on exactly what each means?  Do you want to know how to incorporate them into your daily life as I have done? Do you want to BE more of your authentic self…more of who you were born to be?  Do you want to feel confident in your decision-making?  Do you wonder why some people get all the breaks, and others get hardly any?  I will speak to these questions and more when we meet. Are you ready to receive the tools to transform your life? If so, I got you! 

I’m facilitating a complimentary webinar – June 26th, 7:00 pm EST- to respond to all your questions. I have sooooo much to say about each tip. Where I learned them, how I use them, why they’re critical to who I am, and more.  This webinar is going to be full of information, and I’m offering a BONUS!!

My series of blogs and webinars for 2023 are called CLAIMING YOUR BEST SELF.  So as a BONUS, along with what I know for sure, I have 5 recommendations for how you can CLAIM YOUR BEST SELF. 

Here is ONE of the 5


We'll discuss what that looks like, how to make it happen, and the benefits it will bring. And I still have 4 more recommendations, just as powerful.

This webinar, at no cost to you, is on June 26th at 7:00 PM EST.

At Rita Ricks LLC, we are going HARD for the remainder of 2023!!  There are lots of opportunities, right now, for you to make a change and a difference.  Yet, you must BE Focused, Prepared,
and In Charge of YOUR next Big Thing.

Join me on this webinar, as I share with you the wisdom I’ve learned thru aging and
what I know truly matters in life.